Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tooth Time

I realize this is a very strange title for a blog post. For those of you who don't know, I have a fake tooth. In fact, it is a very common genetic disorder to be missing your teeth to the immediate right and left of your front teeth. Five years ago I had an implant, and recently, it has come loose. A week ago, it fell out. Yes, I have been without a front tooth for a week and half. Context for upcoming adventure established.

Time for you to use your senses and imagination to put yourself in my shoes. Sound: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen playing on the radio, and the dentist singing along. A laser buzzing your gums. Smell: Burning flesh. Surprisingly, it smells very similar to burning marshmellows. Sights: Smoke billowing from your mouth, because of said laser. Feel: Nothing. You are numb. Taste: Typical nasty dentist fluids.

So. Weird. Before this bombardment of senses, the dentist had to drill my fake tooth to get at the screw. As he was drilling, he was singing along, "Mama! Just killed a man! Sing along if you know the words!" It was 9:00 in the morning. Too early for Queen. But, I wasn't doing anything else, so I joined in. "Mama! Oooo!" He complimented me on my singing, and said sometimes he has patients who, "can't sing a lick." I'm not really sure how he judges his patients' ability to sing, as I have found it's quite difficult to sing while your gums are actively being burned. That may just be me.

Regardless of how strange an experience it was, I have a tooth now! No longer am I "gap-tooth," or "tooth-less wonder!" The tooth I have in currently is just a temporary crown. I am going back later this week to make an impression for my permanent crown. Either way though, I count walking out of the dentist office with a tooth a success!

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