Friday, January 25, 2013

D'Jenga Unchained

In recent reflection, I've realized a lot of my postings are about serious things. Sandy. Lay-offs. I promise you I have fun in the city too! This post is about fun :)

Ever since New Year's Eve, Katie, Will and I have an ongoing Jenga war. For those of you who don't know, Jenga is the game you play with small rectangular shaped blocks. The object of the game is to not make the tower of blocks fall over. I must say, we are pretty good. When Will first discovered the game, he was cocky and terrible which made for hilarious game time. Then, suddenly, he was beating us! Unacceptable. My goal for all future games is to ensure Will looses. Always. This goal has been tricky, but always hilarious.

See below pictures as evidence.

I eat Jenga towers for dinner. Nom nom nom!
OH MY GOODNESS!! Will it fall???

Let the tournament planning begin!

 We are now in the process of planning a Jenga Tournament. We have six housemates signed up. Our plan is to dress up outrageously, talk a lot of smack, heckle opponents, and award a chocolate coin to the victor. All around have a good time :)

Don't worry, I'll be sure to update you on how the tournament goes :)

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