Monday, February 18, 2013

Everyone has a story

On Friday night, Rachel and I went to The Moth Main Stage.

For those you who have yet to be exposed to the wonderful podcast The Moth, I will explain the gist of the program. Story-tellers have 10 minutes to tell their story to a live studio audience. No notes. No teleprompters, just stories. Here is a recording of one of the stories I heard Friday night.

These story-tellers are amazing. The courage it takes to bare your soul in front of hundreds of people is astounding. Story-tellers are found through a pitch-line, where people pitch two minute stories, and fans vote on stories they want to hear. The story-tellers that night had complete command of the audience. I couldn't believe how they could make the audience laugh one minute, and cry the next.

It got me thinking, how many stories are waiting to be told in that audience that night? How many stories are waiting to be told sitting on the subway car?

When we walk past someone on the street, do we realize we are walking past a lifetime of stories? Do we recognize each person with whom we come into contact, and acknowledge the stories and past that drive their lives?

I know I certainly don't. Seeing this event live, I realized how many stories I come across everyday. I am now making a conscious effort to be more forgiving with strangers. If they are in my way on the streets, instead of breezing by, I say, "Excuse me." When I see someone struggling on the subway, I offer them my seat. You never know where people are going, or where they're coming from. One small act like that could make all the difference in their lives.

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