Monday, April 1, 2013

We (finally) walked a dog

Leah and I have been wanting to walk dogs since January. I stumbled across an animal shelter in Brooklyn that lets you walk a dog provided  you have a pulse, can sign your name, and you show-up during the shift.

As a former volunteer coordinator, the qualifications sound a bit sketchy. It makes me question the organization. As a busy professional who shies away from commitment to volunteer opportunities outside of CFY, it looked ideal.

I had volunteered there once before, and hung out with some cats for about thirty minutes. It was good, aside from the pet chickens roaming the cat loft, and the pet pigeons in a cage. Not sure what the point of fowl was in a cat loft...also not sure why the cats didn't make them their dinner...

Well, as is expected by now whenever Leah and I do something together, we had an adventure.

We walked this pooch, Diamond.


She's 11 years old, and lazy as all get out. She absolutely DID NOT want to go on a walk. Her response was very similar to the No-no-no cat.

She walked MAYBE one quarter of a block, before she fell down, and started frothing at the mouth. We had no water. She wouldn't get up. We had to drag her. There was a point when Diamond was on her stomach, her legs acting as breaks, and Leah was dragging her across the sidewalk.

After doing her business, she was a bit more tolerant of walking. As in, we only had to drag her 30% of the time instead of 100%. We decided to cut the walk short, take her back, and let her get some water and rest.

Poor thing. The minute we get in, the volunteer coordinator turns to the couple waiting, and says, "Here! You can walk Diamond!" No water. No break. She was sent right back out. That poor animal. I hope she gets adopted soon so she can sleep all day, and die in peace.

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