Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Feast for your Eyes

Imagine, Dear Reader, a bass beat so loud it resonates within your entire body. Imagine people everywhere dressed in feather customs and not much else. Imagine smells of Jamaican spices wafting through air. That, Dear Reader, is the West Indian Day Parade.

The parade happens every Labor Day in Brooklyn to celebrate New York's massive West Indian immigrant population. I attended with two of my roommates, and we had a blast! CBS estimated three million people attended the parade today. It started at noon, and the parade was still going on when we left around three. I think it ended around six. There was so much delicious food to sample, and such lively people to watch! My personal favorite were the huge, elaborate costumes. Most women wore giant feathered headdresses, sparkly make-up, and beaded bikinis. Men were similarly attired minus the make-up and bikini. They wore speedos instead! My personal favorite, however, was the elaborate floats which were attached to a person's clothing so that it looked like an extension of their outfit.

It was swarming with NYPD. This news article explains why (Mom, you may not want to read this):

Below are some pictures from the event :)

Coconut Water :)

It was swarming with NYPD

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For these pictures and more, check out my Facebook album at

1 comment:

  1. Glad you did not inherit your dad's allergy to coconuts :-)
    And yes, I read the article on the link. Yikes!
