Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One More Month!

I leave in a month and a day. Time is flying! Things are coming together for my fundraiser meal. It's on July 29 at noon at Faith Mennonite Church. Come if you can!

I had my last interview with my placement yesterday. I will be a volunteer coordinator for CFY (http://cfy.org/). They donate refurbished computers to low income middle school students. My job will be to coordinate volunteers for the Saturday workshops where we teach the students and their parents how to navigate the learning platform for CFY. Every Saturday they have workshops in schools across the five boroughs of the city. It should be an adventure!

I will be staying at Menno House (http://www.mennohouse.org/), in Manhattan. The VS unit is housed there as well as other residents, and guests. It sounds like quite the mix of people. Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship is the Mennonite church I will be worshiping in (http://www.manhattanmennonite.org/templates/System/default.asp?id=27176). As I understand it, they meet in a Quaker Meeting House on Sunday evenings.

I hope to learn a lot, have some adventures, and enjoy living in the city!